It’s Divine Design – Be the next person to post your story
May 11, 2018
Divine Nature Changes Lives
Nothing is more important to you and your family than your health. Today is your day to begin a journey with Divine Nature and achieve your nutritional goals. It’s our opportunity to support you with nutritional education and supplements such as enzymes, probiotics, vitamins and minerals of the highest quality to ensure your success.
Migraines & Pain – Emily M.
“I would like to tell you why I love Divine Nature’s products. After the birth of my last baby, I started having severe migraines and ear pain, on average three times a week for the migraines and I couldn’t stand the side effects of the prescriptions. After many tests, X-rays, CAT scans, MRIs and blood work, I was told I needed everything from anti-depressants to open back surgery. I was at my wits and my mom had heard about Divine Nature and their approach to finding the root of the problem and wanted me to call. The rest is history. Well, the pain was history at least. Within days I noticed a difference in the way I felt. I had more energy, clearer thoughts, and no pain! It has now been two years and I have not had a migraine or ear pain since. I have told hundreds of people about Divine Nature and beg people to try it.”
Infant Nutrition – Chelsy R.
“When (my son) Rigdon turned 5 months old he developed an ear infection and was put on antibiotics. 5 days into the antibiotic I noticed him choking on his bottles. Day 7, he was choking with every suck and developed a rash. I noticed other things as well like weakness in his legs and difficulty holding his own head up. He began aspirating milk and had a feeding tube placed. He then couldn’t tolerate the tube and was put on a continual drip feed. Specialists were stumped, they had no idea what was going on and we could see it in their faces.
Within 24 hours of putting Rigdon on the Total Nutrition, True PH, Total Digestive Enzymes, and Nature’s Probiotic, we could tell a difference. Rigdon’s body seemed to finally be getting the nutrition it needed. 3 months after starting the supplements he has made a full recovery! Were it not for Divine Nature Rigdon would not be as healthy as he is today.”
Diabetes & Heart Issues – Glenda R.
“Thank you for the amazing gift of Divine Nature. It has been a blessing to my household but especially my dad. He had diabetes out of control, 20% of his heart working, 20% kidney function, digestive problems, congestive heart, cancer and restless leg so he couldn’t sleep at nights. We put him on your “Total Nutrition” and “Fruit and Vegetables + Probiotics” three times a day, he really lived on it. The Total Digestive Enzymes calmed the extreme discomfort in his stomach.
The doctors said he improved so much they took him off all his diabetes medication, his stomach pain and restless leg were gone. Even his kidney doctor said his kidney function improved which never is the case. He never even had a little problem with his congestive heart, which his cardio doctors were amazed at. I know your nutritional products gave him this quality of life, thank you for this gift. We would never be without it.“