(480) 999-2727

Nature’s Probiotic


Nature’s Probiotic Supplement is a new and industry leading formula. This formula has multiple different strains of stabilized probiotics, 35 billion CFU/g per serving and a specialized pre-biotic which helps withstand the bile salts and acidic conditions of your digestive system to establish/replenish your probiotic lining. Housed in a vegan capsule, the probiotics arrive on location thanks to effectively replenish the mucosa lining and support your immune system.

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Product Description

“Nature’s Probiotic”
Nature’s Probiotic is a new and industry leading formula.
Probiotics?  Flora?  Good Bacteria?  What are they?  If you go to Webster’s Dictionary, the word Probiotic means “For Life.”  Most Americans are unfamiliar with the function of probiotics. On the other hand, almost everyone knows of its opposite, Anti-Biotic, “Against Life”.  Probiotics are the good beneficial bacteria that compose and make up your intestinal wall called the mucosa membrane or mucosa lining.  We need this protective shield to defend us from the onslaught of bad bacteria, undigested foods and stomach acids.  Did you know that your body was designed to have about three pounds of “friendly bacteria” in your intestines at all times?  These “friendly bacteria,” known as flora, live to control the over 400 harmful bacteria that bombard your body. It’s commonly referred to as your “second immune system.”

Diets and lifestyles high in fats and sugars, carbonated drinks, alcohol, emotional or physical stress, anti-acids or the worst- ANTIBIOTICS, will cause significant depletion or even completely destroy your beneficial flora or mucosa lining, leaving you defenseless against all of the harmful bacteria in your body.

Antibiotics do not know the difference between friendly and harmful bacteria, and therefore kill them both.  Anyone who uses antibiotics has significantly depleted their Flora supply. You might say, “I don’t take antibiotics.” Well, virtually every meat producer in America injects their animals with antibiotics, and those antibiotics are passed on to you!  If you eat meat, you take antibiotics. Pharmaceutical antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria. This upsets the intestinal balance and may cause disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease.

There is something else for which you should always be on the alert and watch.  When choosing a probiotic supplement, make sure that it is from a stabilized source. This means it can survive the stomach. This also means that many of the probiotics sold today cannot withstand even room temperatures. They need to be refrigerated so that the live culture bacteria are not destroyed.

Ask yourself- If my probiotic cannot survive room temperature, how will it ever survive the hot acidic conditions of the stomach and intestines?

Divine Nature’s probiotic formula has seven different strains of stabilized probiotics that can not only withstand room temperatures, but can also pass through the bile salts and acidic conditions of your digestive system without being destroyed. They arrive on location to quickly replenish the mucosa lining and support your immune system. Regardless of how many strains or billions of units of probiotics are found in a supplement, unless it was manufactured to survive the intestines, the effectiveness of that product is greatly diminished.

The capsule is a vegan capsule which provides the added convenience of taking it with or without food. Allowing greater integrity of the probiotics and co-factors to establish and rebuild the probiotic lining. Each capsule contains a minimum of 35 Billion active CFU/g (Colony Forming Units). Additionally, each capsule contains a Pre-Biotic called Xylo Oligosaccahride which acts as food for the friendly bacteria and aid in growth.

Regular use or maintenance of Nature’s Probiotic builds up your body’s flora, giving you the greatest ability to fight off the sicknes

Packaging Information

Weight 1.6 oz
Dimensions 1.75 × 2 × 3.5 in